Lamb Neck Chops with Chickpeas & Silverbeet

This is hearty cost effective meal that you can make and freeze or cook in the weekend for a mid week meal it is so tasty and warming and the neck chops work so well, If you can’t get neck chops shoulder chops do well  you can also make a lamb pie with any left overs too Recipe  from my Mum who got it from a magazine


  • 1kg thick-cut lamb neck chops
  • salt and black pepper
  • olive oil
  • 1 cup chicken stock or vegetable stock
  • 300g dried chickpeas
  • 2 red onions, diced
  • 4 cloves garlic, finely sliced
  • 1 tsp rosemary, chopped
  • 6 anchovy fillets
  • 1/2 bunch silverbeet, stalks removed and leaves seperated
  • 2 cups white wine


  1. Preheat oven to 160ºC. Season the chops with salt and pepper. Brown the chops in batches in a little olive oil in a heavy frying pan. Place in a oven dish with a lid.
  2. Add a little of the stock to the pan, scrape off any sticky bits of meat and add to the casserole. Drain and rinse the chickpeas, and add to the casserole.
  3. Return the pan to the heat and fry the onion, garlic and rosemary until soft (4 minutes). Add the anchovies and break them up through the onion, then add this mixture to the casserole.
  4. Cut the silverbeet stalks into 3cm chunks and add to the casserole along with the wine and remaining stock. Season well and cover.
  5. Place in the oven for 2 hours. After 1 1/2 hours check there is still liquid as the chickpeas will swell and absorb a lot. Add more stock if required. Meanwhile, was and finely slice the silverbeet leaves and mix into the casserole 20 minutes before the lamb is cooked.
  6. The meat should be falling off the bones, the chickpeas should be soft and fluffy, and the rosemary, wine and anchovies will have formed a flavoursome sauce.

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