Warm Brie Cobb Loaf

This is an absolute crowd pleaser, and so super easy! If you buy a bigger loaf just add more cheese. you can use Pesto instead of the onions, and I try and look for the brie or camberbert that is the cheapest  honestly thanks to my dear friend Shan I do this all the time when esp my kids are having  drink’s parties the whole cobb loaf gets demolished  Recipe by Shan McElroy


  • 1 whole round cobb loaf
  • 2 whole brie cheese
  • 1 bottle of caramelized onions


  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
  2. Cut the top off the cobb loaf and scoop out the inside of the bread.
  3. With the scooped out bread, rip it into smallish chunks and place on the baking tray with the empty cobb loaf/cob lid.
  4. Using a palate knife spread the caramelized onion onto the inside of the loaf.
  5. Cut the brie’s to fit the inside of the cobb and place inside.
  6. Spray the bread with olive oil spray.
  7. Bake in the oven for 20 to 30 minutes watching to make sure the bread doesn’t burn.
  8. If the cheese hasn’t melted to a runny consistency then place in microwave for 1 or 2 minutes.
  9. Serve warm on a big bread board with the bread lid on top of the cobb, and bread chunks scattered around.

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